Understanding Decimal to Binary conversion.

Convert from binary to decimal

To convert from binary to decimal the flag --b2d flag is used follow by the binary value

python --b2d 11001010

The script will convert the binary to decimal with the full description printed in the terminal. to prevent printing of the description the --verbose false should be issued along with the flag --b2d.

The commands above will print out the following result…

1*(2**7)  + 1*(2**6)  + 0*(2**5)  + 0*(2**4)  + 1*(2**3)  + 0*(2**2)  + 1*(2**1)  + 0*(2**0)
Binary 11001010 to Decimal is 202

Convert from decimal to binary

To convert from deciomal to binary the flag --d2b flag is used follow by the decimal value

python --d2b 1359

The script will convert the decimal to binary with the full description printed in the terminal. to prevent printing of the description the --verbose false should be issued along with the flag --d2b.

The commands above will print out the following result…

1359 largest possible power of two is 10
(2**10) > 1359       hence 1359-1024     binary+=1
(2**9) > 335           hence 335-0       binary+=0
(2**8) > 335          hence 335-256      binary+=1
(2**7) > 79             hence 79-0       binary+=0
(2**6) > 79            hence 79-64       binary+=1
(2**5) > 15             hence 15-0       binary+=0
(2**4) > 15             hence 15-0       binary+=0
(2**3) > 15             hence 15-8       binary+=1
(2**2) > 7              hence 7-4        binary+=1
(2**1) > 3              hence 3-2        binary+=1
(2**0) > 1              hence 1-1        binary+=1
Decimal 1359 to Binary is 10101001111


To view all available command from the command line, use the -h command

dec2bin -h

The help screen is printed like below

usage: [-h] [--b2d] [--d2b] [--verbose VERBOSE] value

Convert a binary to decimal or from decimal to binary.

positional arguments:
  value              The value to convert

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --b2d              Convert the binary value to decimal
  --d2b              Convert the decimal value to binary
  --verbose VERBOSE  Print out the operation description